Rebooting your values in the New Year.

Happy New Year!

During this time of year, many of us are thinking about what the year ahead will bring and how we want to live better, do better, and be better. It seems like New Year’s Resolutions have gotten a bad reputation, so many of us don’t engage in healthy goal setting during this time of year, when it really is a wonderful time to reflect and set some positive intentions. As an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy therapist, I prefer to consider the New Year from the lens of reflecting on one’s values and thinking about how one might live more fully in alignment with those values.

Some suggestions for using values to set intentions for 2020:

1.       Identify a few words that you would like to live by this year that represent your values. Write these words down and place them in a prominent place. Perhaps even create art or make a collage with these words.

2.       If you are a goal oriented person, consider reframing your goals from a values based perspective and see if this motivates you differently. For example, if your goal might be “to lose weight,” think about what values are at that root of this goal. This goal might be a result of wanting to feel stronger and lighter, be able to spend time with loved ones, a desire to feel confident and attractive. Beneath this are the values of health, family, and positive self-esteem. Therefore, reframe “to lose weight” to “I want to pursue good health, time with my family, and use positive words toward myself.” This will then inform additional values oriented goals.

3.       Set intentions, such as “I will be kind to myself,” “I will learn more about myself this year,” or “may I be peaceful.”

Let me know what you do to give your values a reboot at the beginning of the year!

**As you know, doing an exercise on the internet is never a substitute for counseling. Please engage in the exercise safely. If you feel unsafe, please reach out for help, the suicide hotline is: 800-273-8255